Welcome to

ABP Cares

Supported Living and Home Care

Areas we cover

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Transforming Lives

One Person At A Time

ABP Cares Supported Living, offers skilled support to enable people to live in their own homes/supported living accommodation and achieve their optimum state of health and well-being. Our approach is to ensure that  all people who access our service and all people who visit are treated with respect at all times.


Our passion is to uphold the human and citizenship rights of all who choose to use us for their care. We support individual choice and personal decision-making and independence as this is the right of all our Service Users.

Community Based Accommodation

ABP Cares Supported Living provides housing and care to people who have a learning disability, mental ill health or another need for support, without needing to be in a care home.


Supported Living
Personal Care

Supported Living

Housing and care support for mild to complex health conditions, with the goals of promoting independence and confidence in our clients lives.

Home Care
Personal Care

Home Care

Care and support in your own home. We provide regular home visits, live-in care and specialist support for complex health conditions.

Who We Care For

Mental Health
Personal Care

Mental Health

Learning Disabilities & Autism
Personal Care

Learning Disabilities & Autism

Drugs & Alcohol Misuse
Personal Care

Drugs & Alcohol Misuse

Personal Care


Physical Disabilities
Personal Care

Physical Disabilities

Sensory Impairment
Personal Care

Sensory Impairment

Amit Patel

Managing Director

From Our Director

“At the heart of ABP Cares lies an unwavering commitment to dignity, opportunity, and respect. These principles form the bedrock of our mission, guiding every interaction with the individuals we are privileged to serve.”

  support@abpcares.com   0207 723 5208